Buen Camino
Thousands of people from all walks of life, all religions, believers and non-believers, young and old walk El Camino each year. For some the Camino is an answer to a deep philosophical question, or a battle of endurance while they deal with internal ones, or maybe they walk in honor of someone, and for others it might just be the ultimate challenge of mind, body, and spirit. On one of our walks, Bibi asked me why I was doing El Camino and my answer was simple. How can I not want to walk in the footsteps of St. James, one of Jesus’ disciples. As I see it, his disciples are his best friends. So what a blessing that now I get to walk the same path with my bestfriend. I didn’t come to El Camino to find an answer, or deal with an internal demon or to test my endurance. I came with a complete openness to allow God to lead the way and He did just that.
He led it with the abundance of generosity we witnessed among fellow peregrinos and the people of Galicia. He led with the birds, butterflies, wild flowers, horses, cows and even a donkey. He led it with the stillness of each morning fog, rising sun, occasional shower and the plentitude of shady trees. He led it up mountains, rocky paths, open pastures, under bridges, down dirt roads, along highways, through villages and into towns. He led it with cottages owned by families that provided us a bed, great meal, and cold shower each day. He led it with teenagers singing along the walk or praying the rosary. He led it with spiritual messages posted on stone cottages or signs from loved ones. He led it with messages left on a blog, blisters on our feet and pain in our knees. He Led…and we allowed ourselves to walk and feel it all.
But if I think about it, he’s always leading, it is up to us to be allowed to be led wherever that path might take you. Throughout these five days we never questioned the difficult walk ahead of us or complained about the pain, the heat, or the miles. Instead we woke up each morning excited for what the walk was going to bring us and ended each night thankful for what we witnessed. It is this blind faith that I must take back with me. Wake up each day, be led by Him, and end it with gratitude.
So we hope our family and friends have enjoyed El Duo Camino website. Hopefully, we’ve inspired you but more importantly that you have felt God’s presence through our journey. This is our last blog as we will be heading soon to San Sebastian (yes, still missing the accentos), Biarritz and any other beach town we stumble upon. Oh and yeah, how can I forget, we will continue to eat and drink our way through Spain.
Thanks for following along as we were being led.
✌ out,
Ana (aka Tornado)
Walking El Camino is an experience that I will carry in my heart forever. Just as in life, we have our ups and downs. Not easy. But throughout the entire process, during the most difficult moments-He is there, during the moments where the road is fair and smooth-He is there, in the sounds of nature-He is there, in the quietest moments-He is there. He never leaves us. If we would only take the time to really listen, we can hear Him everywhere and in everything. This walk is The Way of life. It is The Way we should live. In peace, with gratitude, in stillness. We are meant to feel Him in all we do.
The kindness and generosity of every peregrino reminded us of how we are suppose to treat others. ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’ It also reminded us that God lives in every single one of us. If we are still and quiet, we can acknowledge His presence.
The first morning waking up not having to get ready to walk, I felt a little bit sad. Grateful for certain, but I knew that as much as my body ached during some moments throughout El Camino, the peace you feel is overwhelming. The love you feel flows in abundance. Constantly. You feel God. You are reminded of His love and everything He has done for you and the blessings He gives us daily.
I pray that all our lives are just like this path. There are so much Light that it is impossible for any darkness to come through. Let us be people like the peregrinos. Full of gratitude, simplicity, love, peace and LIGHT.
Love and Peace 🧡✝✌,
Bibi (Storm)
During the Pilgrim’s Mass this was the gospel.