Sarria Bound!

It took a four hour train ride and a 30 minute bus ride to get to Sarria but we made it.

These pictures do not do it justice. Rectoral de Goian (the ‘a’ has an accento and neither one of us can figure it out) is a building that was a rectory built in 1704 and had a second phase built in 1794. The views from our room were amazing. We have video of both the grounds and our room but again, we couldn’t figure out how to upload a video and yes, we tried youtube but no luck. We will try to post on instagram! The only way we can describe this place is if you can think of the English cottage from The Holiday meets Cinderella and the chirping birds. We felt beyond blessed to have stayed here. Raquel and her family were welcoming and extremely hospitable.

Raquel and her husband (we affectionately refer to them as Mama y Papa) made a delicious homemade, organic pasta dinner. Everything was homemade, including the artisanal bread, ice cream, and chocolate soufflé (that accento came with spellcheck). It was the perfect carb meal to fuel us for our first day of El Camino.

We are packed and ready for what God has in store for us.


El Duo Camino - Day One


Two Days in Madrid